Sammy Screamer

Suzy Snooze

Benjamin Brush

Tony Tempa

Lily Loco

Hungry Henry

Andy Cam

Tommy Time

Sammy Screamer

Suzy Snooze

Benjamin Brush

Tony Tempa

Lily Loco

Hungry Henry

Andy Cam

Tommy Time

Tony Tempa
Smart Thermometer

Body temperature tracking and
guidance on your smartphone

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Shipping 2024

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Tony Tempa

Contactless temperature tracking for the whole family

Smart Thermometer. Smart Family.

Tony measures your body temperature by taking a contactless reading from the temporal artery on your forehead. He instantly shows the results on his LED display and sends the reading to the BleepBleeps app on your phone for tracking and guidance.


Tracking and guidance on your smartphone

Connect Tony to the BleepBleeps app and track your whole family’s temperature.

Spot trends and get insight on your loved ones’ health and wellbeing.

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Forehead contactless reading

Instantly displays temperature

Track the whole family

Accurate and hygienic

Tony Tempa

Contactless temperature tracking for the whole family