Sammy Screamer

Suzy Snooze

Benjamin Brush

Tony Tempa

Lily Loco

Hungry Henry

Andy Cam

Tommy Time

Sammy Screamer
Motion Alarm

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Sammy Screamer

Sammy bleeps when she’s moved and sends a notification to your smartphone.

Keep an eye on your stuff

Stick Sammy on the things you want to keep an eye on and she’ll let you know if they move.

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Available in six colours

Control Sammy from your smartphone

Sleep and wake Sammy using the BleepBleeps app. When Sammy is awake she’ll bleep if she gets moved and send a notification to your phone. When you don’t need her, use the BleepBleeps app to send her to sleep.

Download for free:

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Stick Sammy on the things you want to keep an eye on and she’ll let you know if they move.

Watch your bag when you’re out and about

Keep the kids out of your home office

Watch the fridge

Get an alert if your buggy moves

Make sure no one steals those cookies!

Make Parenting Easier

Introducing our first little guy:
Sammy Screamer