Sammy Screamer

Suzy Snooze

Benjamin Brush

Tony Tempa

Lily Loco

Hungry Henry

Andy Cam

Tommy Time

Suzy Snooze
Smart Nightlight,
Sleep Soother and

Say hello to better bedtimes.

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Suzy Snooze

Soothing sound and light send
your little one off to sleep

Introducing Suzy Snooze

Suzy Snooze is a new breed of baby monitor that actively helps your child get to sleep. Her soothing light and sound creates a comfortable and familiar environment, so your child gets to sleep faster and sleeps more happily.

Suitable from birth and loved by older kids, Suzy helps children learn to settle themselves and teaches them to stay in bed.


Audio baby monitor on your smartphone

Connect Suzy to the BleepBleeps app and she becomes an audio baby monitor. The monitor lets you listen in live to your baby using high definition, secure audio. Suzy connects with your smartphone using your existing Wi-Fi network, works worldwide and has a range of up to 50m/150ft.

Peace of mind all night long.

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Plays music at bedtime

Playing music at bedtime helps prepare your child for a good night’s sleep. Suzy comes with a sound and light composition created by our experts to induce sleepy feelings.

Keeps them asleep all night

Suzy is your child’s special nightlight, when they need a friendly glow to reassure them in the night. Her low energy LED stays cool to touch, and optimised colour output promotes natural sleep hormones. If your baby does wake, Suzy’s cry sensor and smart technology will help soothe them back to sleep.

Tells your toddler when it’s time to get up!

Suzy likes to lie-in in the morning. So she’ll teach your toddler to stay in bed. She keeps her hat down while she’s sleeping. When it’s time to get up, Suzy quietly raises her hat. That means it’s ok for children to get out of bed too. And if they’re sleeping, they won’t hear a thing. No more early mornings.

What parents are saying about Suzy

A good night’s sleep for you and your family

Suzy Snooze helps you and your family sleep peacefully all night long.