Sammy Screamer

Suzy Snooze

Benjamin Brush

Tony Tempa

Lily Loco

Hungry Henry

Andy Cam

Tommy Time

Suzy Snooze

Sleepy Sounds for Suzy Snooze by Erol Alkan

We enlisted one of the UK's best known electronic music producers, Erol Alkan, to create Suzy Snooze's sleep inducing sound and music sequences. We talked to Erol about the challenges of composing music for bedtime and asked him what it takes to make sleepy sounds...

Suzy Snooze: Mini Production Update

We received the first production batch of felt from our fabric suppliers and it's not quite the right colour of orange... That simply won't do. Read Tom's latest Suzy Snooze update!

Suzy Snooze: Production Update #3

"We are nearly there with Suzy. The physical product is pretty much ready to rock. We are back and forth to Shenzhen in China working with the multiple factories and partners helping us make Suzy be the best she can be."

Read Tom's latest Suzy Snooze update!

Suzy Snooze - Production Update #1

First up, you'll be pleased to know we are bang on schedule for our estimated delivery in March (and December for Fast Track Betas). Full production update below. You can follow our Instagram Stories for regular video updates on production and general bleepy BleepBleeps bleepiness.