Sammy Screamer

Suzy Snooze

Benjamin Brush

Tony Tempa

Lily Loco

Hungry Henry

Andy Cam

Tommy Time

Routine Routine Routine

Cool Kids' Stuff For A Friendlier Bathroom

Making your home a comfortable and fun place to be for your kids can require some decor and design compromises but kids' stuff needn't amount to ugly clutter and the things you need to have around to keep them healthy and safe needn't look horrid either.

Here's a little collection of cool things that help make your bathroom an appealing place for your kids - but that keep you happy too! 

Six Parenting Tips for an Easy Morning Routine

Constantly battling the chaos of mornings when all you want is a calm five minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee? Longing for the day when you can all leave the house on time without the bathroom turning into Tantrum Central? Here are six simple tips to make that morning routine easier. 

Newborn Baby Bath Time? Create a stress free washing routine

Trying to convince your wiggling jiggling newborn baby that bath time is a soothing and beautiful bonding experience to be enjoyed (you know, like it says in all those blinkin' baby books) isn’t easy. Add to the mix a tired parent who’s only just getting the hang of baby bath time themselves (you) and things can get a bit tricky, right? Take a deep breath. It’s going to be fine. 

Create The Best Sleep Ritual For You & Your Kids

 There is no such thing as the perfect, one-size-fits-all bedtime ritual. The best one is the one that works for you and your family. The best one is the one that can be easily performed night after night but adapted over time as your kids change and grow.

We can't give you a neat list of fool-proof pre-bed activities, but we can offer you some tips on how to establish your own.